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OM 3.1.4 - Employment of Family Members at Clarkson

About This Policy

Effective Date: April 1, 2017
Last Updated: April 1, 2017
Responsible University Office: Human Resources
Responsible University Administrator: Chief Inclusion and Human Resources Officer

Policy Contact:

Human Resources


All Clarkson University units and employees.

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Reason for Policy

The University recognizes the advantage of employing members of family of current employees. Employment includes regular, temporary, and seasonal employees.

 The basic criteria for appointment and promotion of all University faculty and staff will be appropriate qualifications and performance. Relationship by family, marriage, or partnership will constitute neither an advantage nor a deterrent to appointment in the University provided the individual meets and fulfills the appropriate appointment standards. The intent of this policy is to reemphasize the concept that the selection of personnel will be on the basis of job-related qualifications.

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Policy Statement

Close relatives of employees may be hired by the University, but not in a position which involves a direct supervisory relationship with a family member. No employee may work in a position in which he or she has the authority to influences, directly or indirectly, any term of condition of employment of the family member.  Sole concern, in such employment situations, is that the faculty or staff members are the best candidates with respect to the requisite academic of administrative qualifications for employment.

To guard against such conflicts, the following practices should be followed:

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Students enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education may be hired for seasonal work. Student assignments are subject to the same Hiring Practices, Restrictions and Exceptions as all other family member employment.

An employment requisition must be completed by the Hiring Manager in PeopleAdmin. Applications will be reviewed by the Department and Human Resources.  

Hiring Practices

Faculty and staff are welcome to refer relatives who are interested in working at Clarkson to Human Resources.


Faculty and staff members are not permitted to participate or influence in any way the hiring, promotion, termination, salary determination, performance evaluations or vital decisions concerning the employment of a member of his/her family.

Any individual who makes an unauthorized offer of employment or a significant change in conditions of employment involving family members assumes responsibilities for any penalties, liabilities and expenses which may arise out of this action.

Union Employees

Clarkson employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement should refer to the contract for clarification.


A person under consideration for employment, who has a relative employed by Clarkson in the same department, or in a department for which the relative has direct or indirect administrative responsibility, may be employed if there is a compelling reason.  A written request for exception may be submitted for review to a committee of the Dean of the School or Department Head and Human Resources.

While general responsibility for assuring adherence to this policy must rest with those responsible for the appointment of assignment, a particular responsibility for sensitivity to the potential conflicts of interest falls on the family member.

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Eligible employees: Faculty and Staff (exempt and non-exempt) who are employed by the University.

Employment BenefitsAll benefits provided by the University to employees including group life insurance, health insurance, annual and sick leave, educational benefits, and retirement contributions.

Family MembersParents, children, spouses, brothers, sisters, brothers- and sisters- in law, mothers- and fathers- in law, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, sons- and daughters-in law and half- or step-relatives in the same relationships.

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