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OM 2.9.0 Paperflow for Senate and Administrative Council Actions

About This Policy

Effective Date: July 1987
Last Updated: April 2012
Responsible University Office: President's Office
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the President

Policy Statement

All items having to do with change of policy in any of the areas of "curriculum, standards, research, faculty status, or those aspects of student activity which relate directly to the educational process" should be directed to the chair of the Faculty Senate. If the Senate takes action that results in a recommendation to modify existing policy or to create new policy, the recommended action will be transmitted directly to the chair of the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council Executive Committee will decide whether the Senate’s actions fall within the stated charge to the Council to "provide cross-departmental and cross-functional review of new policies as well asrules, regulations, standards, curricular changes, and like matters within the framework of existing policies, including all additions to, deletions from, and revisions of the Operations Manual and the Clarkson Regulations." In the event that the Senate’s actions do not fall within the Council’s charge, the Council chair will note this fact and forward the Senate action to the president for final action. In the event that the Senate’s actions fall within the Council’s charge, the matter will be acted on by the Administrative Council. Following such action, the secretary of the Administrative Council will forward to the president the original Senate action and that of the Administrative Council. When the matter has been decided by the president, final action will be sent to the chair of the Senate and to the chair of the Administrative Council. The Administrative Council Executive Committee will communicate the presidential approvals to the members of the Administrative Council for distribution within their units and also to the Executive Board of the CUSA Senate, and the presidential approvals will also be made available to faculty and staff on the shared S: drive. The president will assure that the action is added to the Operations Manual and Clarkson Regulations in cases of addition to, deletion from, and revisions of these. The current procedures established by the President are: the Human Resources Office annually will make the approved changes to the Operations Manual, and the office of the Vice President for University Outreach and Student Affairs annually will make the approved changes to the Clarkson Regulations. Changes to these procedures will be stated here after presidential approval.

Matters which involve new policies as well as rules, regulations, standards, curricular changes, and like matters within the framework of existing policies, including all additions to, deletions from, and revisions of the Operations Manual and the Clarkson Regulations, but which do not fall within the Faculty Senate’s charge, should be sent directly to the chair of the Administrative Council. If the Administrative Council takes action in such cases that results in a recommendation for change, the outcome will be sent to the president for final action, which will be returned to the Administrative Council for communication. The Administrative Council Executive Committee will communicate the presidential approvals to the members of the Administrative Council for distribution within their units and also to the Executive Board of the CUSA Senate, and the presidential approvals will also be made available to faculty and staff on the shared S: drive. The president will assure that the action is added to the Operations Manual and Clarkson Regulations in cases of addition to, deletion from, and revisions of these. The current procedures established by the President are: the Human Resources Office annually will make the approved changes to the Operations Manual, and the office of the Vice President for University Outreach and Student Affairs annually will make the approved changes to the Clarkson Regulations. Changes to these procedures will be stated here after presidential approval. If the chair of the Senate, as a member of the Administrative Council, determines that a matter should be reviewed by the Senate, he or she will take the item to the Senate for any appropriate action prior to presidential action.

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July 1987
Revised April 2012