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OM 2.10.1 Committees of the Faculty Senate

About This Policy

Effective Date: August 1974
Last Updated: March 1, 2022
Responsible University Office: President's Office
Responsible University Administrator: President

Policy Contact:

Office of the President

 I. Academic Integrity


A. The Committee shall consist of three faculty members, three undergraduate students and three graduate students of Clarkson University, and a fourth faculty member who shall serve as nonvoting chair.

B. Six of nine committee members will serve on each case. Committee service is primarily reserved for committee members with similar status as the student with the alleged violation, undergraduate or graduate. When necessary, a student with an unlike status may serve as an alternate.

C. The term of office for members of the Committee shall be one year, from one spring commencement to the next.


A. Adjudicates cases specifically referred to it.

B. Hears appeals to sanctions imposed by individual faculty members.

C. Publicizes its findings.

D. Actively promotes knowledge of academic integrity among students and faculty.

Appointment Requirements and Procedures:

A. Undergraduate student members shall be selected by the Student Senate in the spring to serve for the following academic year. The Student Senate shall appoint three members and one alternate to the Committee. If any vacancy shall exist during the year, the Student Senate shall appoint the alternate to the Committee for the balance of the year. Recall: The student members of the Committee shall be ancillary to Article XIII of the CUSA Constitution.

B. Graduate student members shall be selected in partnership by the University Faculty Senate and the Graduate Student Association in the spring to serve for the following academic year. Faculty Senate shall appoint three members and one alternate to the Committee. If any vacancy shall exist during the year, the Faculty Senate shall appoint the alternate to the Committee for the balance of the year.

C. Faculty Members. The Faculty Senate will select from the full-time Clarkson faculty the chair, three additional members, and two alternates in the spring to serve for the following academic year.

II. Academic Standards

Membership: 3 faculty, including at least one member of the Faculty Senate; 2 students - 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate. Advisor- University Registrar.


A. Reviews all requests for exceptions to rules and regulations of the University submitted to the deans with the aim of using them as a basis for making recommendations to the Faculty Senate on academic policy.

B. Reviews the academic rules and regulations of the University applicable to both graduate and undergraduate students and programs to promote clarity and understanding and thereby to prevent misapplications; and suggests to the Faculty Senate any changes deemed advisable.

C. Acts for the Faculty Senate in matters regarding exceptions to graduation requirements for both graduate and undergraduate degrees. Clarkson Regulations lists graduation requirements in Section III-U and describes the handling of request for exceptions in Section III-V.

III. Awards

Membership: 3 most recent faculty recipients of the Distinguished Teaching Award and the most recent recipient of the Outstanding New Teacher award.


A. Selects, from nominations by department chairs, two graduating seniors who show the best combination of scholarship and promise of outstanding professional achievement; one to be designated the Levinus Clarkson and the other the Frederica Clarkson Prize winner.

B. Presents the names of the two nominees for a vote of approval at the faculty meeting at which degrees are voted in the spring semester.

C. Using nominations of alumnae and alumni, student teaching evaluations and other relevant information about teaching achievements, innovations, and effectiveness, selects the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award. The alumni office will obtain nominations from alumnae and alumni two or more years following graduation.

D. Using nominations from students, faculty, and department chairs together with relevant information about teaching achievements, innovations, and effectiveness, selects the recipient of the Outstanding New Teacher Award.

E. Using nominations for students, faculty, and department chairs together with relevant information about advising effectiveness, selects the recipients of the Outstanding advisor award.

IV. Budget and Long Range Planning Committee

Membership: 1 Senator, selected by the Senate, to serve as the Committee's Chair; 1 faculty member from each School, selected by the Senate. Faculty members will serve staggered 3-year terms. 1 initial representative will serve a 1 year term, another will serve a 2 year term, and two others will serve a 3 year term. All future terms will last 3 years; the Chief Financial Officer or their designee; the Provost or their designee; 1 undergraduate student, selected by CUSA; 1 graduate student, selected by GSA; 1 representative from Human Resources, appointed by the Chief Human Resources Officer; 1 representative from Student Affairs, appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs.  


A. Provides a forum through which faculty provide feedback on the budget and budgeting process. To operationalize this goal, it will: 

1. Provide focused review of administrative proposals that pertain to the budget and strategic planning initiatives. 

2. Periodically survey the faculty to better understand and express the faculty perspective regarding budget allocations. 

3. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of allocating resources to various initiatives, budges, and units. 

4. Develop a process for reviewing the annual budget and offer suggestions from a faculty perspective, including but not limited to: tuition, student fees, the faculty compensation pool, resource allocation, and student financial aid.

5. Host an open campus meeting, at least once per academic year, where questions about the budget can be raised. 

6. In consultation with the Senate Executive Committee, seeks to promote engagement with the Board of Trustees to discuss the budget. 

7. Reports regularly to the Faculty Senate and seeks its input. 

8. Perform other tasks related to the budget and planning, as proposed by the Faculty Senate.

V. Curriculum and Academic Policy

Membership: 7 faculty; including two from each school and at least one member of the Faculty Senate; 2 students - 1 undergraduate and 1 graduate.


A. Serves as a focal point for the discussion and recommendation of new programs, minors, and concentrations, including consideration of graduate degree programs, interdepartmental programs and other degree options.

B. Formulates and recommends regulations pertaining to graduate work.

C. Initiates and/or reviews major calendar changes that have impact on the academic programs.

VI. Research and Intellectual Property

Membership: 1 faculty member from each school, at least one of whom is tenured; 1 graduate student; a member of the professional non-teaching research staff; the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of the Division of Research serving as nonvoting members; the chair shall be a tenured faculty member.


A. Formulates, recommends, and reviews regulations and policies pertaining to research activities.

B. Encourages growth of research activities and recommends new research facilities for the University.

C. Provide advice and make recommendations to the Director, Division of Research, with respect to interpretation and implementation of the Intellectual Property Policy (Section 6.6 of the Operation Manual), amendments to this Policy, and such other matters as the Director may deem appropriate.

VII. Honorary Degrees

Membership: A senior academic officer (Provost or Dean) designated by the president, serving as committee chair: 3 faculty representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate, with one representative from each school; 2 student representatives appointed by the Student Senate, with at least 1 representative from the junior class; the Director of Development (or his or her designee); the Chair of the University Board of Trustees (or his or her designated trustee), ex officio; the President of the Alumni Association (or his or her designee), ex officio.


A. Selects nominations of persons to be considered for the award of an honorary degree. Committee members are charged with urging their colleagues to make nominations.

B. Reviews nominations for honorary degrees, formulating a recommendation for each nominee. Forwards recommendation to the Senate for action.

VIII. Information Technology

Membership: at least 9 faculty (3 from each school, at least 1 tenured, 1 senator); 2 students one undergraduate and 1 graduate; Director of the Division of Research, and Chief Information Officer, nonvoting; Chair shall be a tenured faculty member.


A. Serve as a focal point for faculty input concerning Information Technology at Clarkson. 

B. Review policy related to Information technology at Clarkson.

C. Provide advice to the President.

D. Address issues related to resource allocation and support services as they have impact on the instructional and research missions of the University.

IX. Library

Membership: 4 faculty (1 from each school, 1 at large, 1 senator - chair will be a tenured faculty member); 1 graduate student; 1 undergraduate student (CUSA, or appointed by Senate if CUSA does not appoint); 2 library faculty/staff; and the Library Director-nonvoting.


A. Serves as a focal point for faculty and student input concerning library collections, facilities, and services.

B. Provides advice to the President.

C. Addresses issues related to resource allocation and library support services as they have impact on the instructional and research missions of the University.

X. Teaching Excellence

Membership: 5 faculty; including 1 from each school plus 2 at large, including at least one member of the Faculty Senate and 1 previous recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award; 2 undergraduate students; graduate student recipient of most Outstanding Teaching Award..


A. Devises and implements programs for the improvement of instruction at all levels.

B. Assist in the mentoring of new faculty.

C. Advises faculty seeking assistance in the improvement of their teaching.

D. Analyzes teaching assessment measures to assist faculty in assessing the quality and in seeking improvements of their teaching.

XI. Promotions

The University Promotions Committee will be composed of: 

  1. 1 faculty representative per school elected by the tenure-track (tenured and untenured) faculty of that school. 
  2. 1 faculty representative elected by the university teaching-track faculty
  3. 1 faculty representative elected by the university clinical-track faculty

All nominees are intended to have the rank of Professor; however, a faculty of Associate Professor rank can be nominated for a position as a non-voting member of the committee. Faculty members in the positions of chair, dean or comparable administrative position are not eligible for membership on the Promotions Committee. The positions will be staggered, three year terms. Nomination of candidates for the Promotions Committee will come from the Faculty Senate. Nominations for candidacy can also be presented by written petition endorsed by ten faculty members that are eligible to vote for the given position.


A. To act in accordance with the faculty policies as outlined in Section 5 the Operations Manual.

1. To confirm that the promotion file of each candidate contains adequate documentation to reflect the candidate's performance as it pertains to promotion, or to indicate to the file preparer how the file is deficient. The committee shall hold the file until such time as either the preparer or the committee has corrected such deficiencies and those who have previously reviewed the file have had a chance to examine any new material or documents.

2. To add to each adequately-documented promotion file a committee evaluation and recommendation regarding the candidate’s suitability for promotion. Care should be taken to apply the evaluation standards in a manner that is consistent with an assessment of scholarship that is grounded in the context of the candidate’s discipline.

B. To advise the Faculty Senate on matters pertaining to these promotion policies and their implementation.

XII. Tenure

The "University Tenure Committee" or the "Tenure Committee" will be composed from 2 tenured faculty members elected by the tenurable rank faculty (both tenured and non-tenured) of each school for staggered, three year terms. Faculty members in the positions of chair, dean or comparable administrative position are not eligible for membership on the Tenure Committee. At least two candidates for the Tenure Committee will be nominated for each position by the Senate. Nominations for candidacy can also be presented by written petition endorsed by fifteen tenurable rank faculty. Nominees for a particular position do not necessarily have to be a member of the school they are nominated to represent although this is expected to be the norm. Faculty voting on a position can also vote to leave the position empty if they so desire.


A. Acts in accordance with the Tenure Policy as passed by the Faculty Senate and approved by the Board of Trustees.

1. Confirms that the tenure file of each individual reviewed contains adequate documentation to reflect properly the individual's performance as it pertains to the granting of tenure, or indicate as soon as possible to the preparer how the file is deficient in representing the individual's performance. The preparer will immediately attempt to provide materials indicated as necessary by the University Tenure Committee to remedy the deficiencies. The Tenure Committee may hold the tenure file until such documentation is provided. If the preparer is unable to supply the required materials, the Tenure Committee may correct any deficiencies and will inform the tenure candidate that it has done so.

2. Ensures that new information added to the tenure file is communicated to the preparer of the file who, in turn, will forward it through appropriate channels along with the preparer's revised recommendation, if any. 3. Adds to each tenure file a committee evaluation and tenure recommendation based solely on the contents of the tenure file and the evaluation standards outlined in section 5.3 of the Operations Manual. Care should be taken to apply the evaluation standards in a manner that is consistent with an assessment of scholarship that is grounded in the context of the candidate’s discipline.

B. Ensures that the Tenure Policy is fully and properly implemented in a tenure review. C. Advises the Faculty Senate on the Tenure Policy and its implementation

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