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Turnitin for Students: Submit an Assignment to the Turnitin Dropbox (Moodle)

In Moodle, your instructor may provide a Turnitin dropbox for you to submit an assignment instead of a regular assignment dropbox.

Turnitin provides the opportunity for students and instructors to check their papers for originality.

View the complete Student User Guide for instructions for submitting assignments via Turnitin or follow this quick guide below.


Step 2: Read and follow assignment and submission directions provided by your instructor.
Step 3: Click on the "Submit Paper" icon.
Step 4: A pop-up window will appear allowing you to submit your paper.
Step 5: Type in your Submission Title.
Step 6: Click on the "Add" icon above.
Step 7: Choose where to upload your file from, once a file is selected, click "Upload this file".
Step 8: Click "Add Submission", the submission will be uploaded to Turnitin.
You will receive a digital receipt for your submitted paper.

Depending upon options chosen by your instructor, you may or may not see results under the Similarity column in what shows above as the gray Pending area.
