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Backup a Course in Moodle


  1. Open the Moodle course that you want to backup.
  2. Under
  3. Turn Editing on.
  4. In the Administration block, click Backup

Administration blockAdministration block

2. Use the check boxes beside the list of resources/activities you wish to include in the back up. To include only the course content (and not the user data) make sure to uncheck all the options that list "user". Click Next

Backup settingsimage.png

Rarely do you want to include enrolled users/user data in a courser back-up. Please contact the HelpDesk if you are unsure.

3. ChooseIf you are including all of the Course Content is to be included in the back-up, choose Jump to final step. If you want to pick and choose which topicscontent to have in the back-up, click Next


  • If you wouldclicked likeJump to backfinal upstep, andthe ifdownload youfile wouldis likenow available.
  • Otherwise, choose which items to include useras datayou andscroll clickthrough next.the Topics:


Confirm backup settings

4.. Confirm that your selections are correct and click "Perform backup and then click "continue"continue".

5. Your course has now been backed up and will be saved on the Moodle server. To store a local copy of the back up on your computer, click on the "download" button next to applicable back up that is listed.

6. Download your file to your computer or storage space or Restore the course file to an empty Moodle course shell.Course area back up.