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Add the QM seal to a course that has received QM certification

To add the QM seal to a newly QM certified course, follow the steps below

  1. Paste the following code into the html editor of the course Welcome page. Do NOT use the code given on MyQM! (ours has special formatting)

<iframe src=";program=2&amp;width=250&amp;height=300&amp;theme=dark" width="250" height="300" frameborder="0" align="right"></iframe>

2. Replace the number in purple above after ?id= with the id from the course's closed review page on the CRMS on MyQM:

My QM → QM Coordinators → Closed Course Reviews → view course → Certification Mark Embed Code

Useqm certified course with seal



above, not the code given on MyQM, just replace the id number.