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Partial Tuition Assistantship Awards -HOW TO PREPARE


  1.  Login into Peoplesoft/HR>Navigator>Manager Self Service>CU Graduate    
 Appointment>Add Graduate Appointment
  1.  Under Form Type -check NEW APPOINTMENT>click Next

  1.  Next screen is the student information (Student ID number>Effective Date (always current date)>Department>Advisor ID>and Advisor Dept.  Verify information is accurate
by confirming off Peoplesoft/Student Service Center page.  Once verified, click Next
  1.  This page outlines the Award Type; Stipend; Tuition; and for a Partial Tuition Assistantship there is a “Partial Tuition Calculation” box.  When completing this page, 
do per the below steps:
  • Fill in Award Type:  Partial Tuition Assistantship
  • Dept ID:  ID number for Dept student is located in
  • Start Date: (payroll date closest to start of semester)
  • End Date:  (same as above -for one pay period)
  • Hours:  8
  • Bi-Weekly Rate (under a PTA, the stipend is normally covering 1 credit hour of tuition so the rate needs to be entered as $1,388.00).  If, however, the total PTA award is less than $1,388.00, the dollar amount of the award will be entered (for example:  if a student is receiving a 30% PTA award based on 1 credit hour the student is enrolled in for the Fall term, the total award will be $416.40.  So the 416.40 will be entered as the bi-weekly stipend rate since the award will be covered under the stipend only).

    • Select the Term (use drop down)

  • Next go to the Partial Tuition Calculation Box (DO NOT ENTER ANY ADDITIONAL FIELDS UNDER THE TUITION SECTION)

  • Enter the total credit hours the student is enrolled in
  • Enter the Percent of Award (the rate, normally 30%)
  • Total Amount is computed taking the total hours the student is enrolled in X % rate less the one credit hour being covered under the stipend)> then click “Calculate Partial Tuition” -this will then automatically populate all the information in the Tuition fields (Credit Hours>Rate>Percent of Award>Total Amount -YOU DO NOT ENTER.
                       EXAMPLE:  If a student is enrolled in 10 credits @ 30% less $1,388.00 = 
                       $2,776.00 (would be entered under Total Amount) -see below screenshot


  • Click Next
  • At next page you can enter Form Creator Comments or Attach any supporting
                       Documentation if necessary.  
  • Click Submit Form