Accessing U: Drive (Home Directory) From Linux
This method will detail accessing your U: drive (remote home directory) from a Linux (Ubuntu/RedHat) system.
Other Linux distributions will act similarly, but details may differ. This method also details a permanent
(active after reboot) configuration.
This article describes an unsupported configuration.
NOTE: If you are off-campus and wanting to access your files this way you will need to be connected to Clarkson's VPN
- Make sure you have the required packages
- Ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
- RedHatL $ sudo yum install cifs-utils
- Make your mount directory
- $ mkdir /mnt/adhome
- Create a credentials file, add your username and password to it, and set the proper permissions on it
$ vi /home/yourlocalusername/.smbcredentials
$ chmod 600 /home/yourlocalusername/.smbcredentials
- Modify FSTAB
- $ sudo vi /etc/fstab
- Add a new line at the bottom of the file that looks like the following
- " //\040Home\040Directory /mnt/adhome cifs credentials=/home/yourlocalusername/.smbcredentials,vers=1.0,iocharset=utf8mb4,sec=ntlmi 0 0 "
- Mount the drive
- $ sudo mount /mnt/adhome
- Test mount worked by accessing it
- $ cd /mnt/adhome
- If you files appear in there try editing and adding a file to make sure things work properly.