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5093 Bank Acct - Community Deposits

Controller's Office



Track the local Community Bank account used to deposit cash, coins and Canadian checks

Karen LaPoint


Using the file S:\departments\Bus&Fin\Bank Reconciliation\Community\FY2021\FY21 Bank Reconciliation; copy the most recent tab and update it for the current month transactions
Get the Community Bank statement for the month (downloaded by the Controller)
Use the query CU_GL_ACCOUNT_INQUIRY_BALANCE to get the current balance in account 5093
Download the transactions in Account 5093 using the query CU_GL_ACCOUNT_INQUIRY
Compare the transactions between the statement and download.  Identify and resolve differences.  
Common DifferencesResolution
Bank fees not recorded in Account 5093Email Betsy to ask her to make the entry
Miscellaneous Debit on the bank account for Canadian check exchangePull the SF Journal backup to determine where the Canadian check was credited; debit this same chartfield string for the exchange
Transactions recorded in Account 5110 M&T that should have been recorded as Community Bank transactions or vice versa (this happens when the Cashier selects a tender type aligned with the incorrect bank account)Verify the 5110 M&T bank reconciliation is also out of balance by this transaction; journal the transaction to the appropriate bank account