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Step 3 - Mark Moved Pages for Final Approval


Find below instructions for Content Owners to complete the steps for final approval of pages. If all is good, you are marking them 'Done' in the Confluence to Bookstack conversion process. If updates or changes are needed, you are working through those until a 'Done' status is achieved. This follows Steps 1 & 2, where your pages have been moved.

Please complete the Steps found below.

Please be mindful of the overall project schedule. Your work drives dependencies for the project to complete on schedule.


1. Login to Bookstack (Internal Collaboration book is only viewable for users who are logged in).
2. Open Page Conversion Inventory Sheet, locate tab: OITInternalCollab 
3. Filter Column A (Action) by Moved
4. In Column C (Content Owner), look for rows with your name.
5. For each row with your name, click to open and compare Column D (Confluence page) to Column G (bookstack link).
6. Make desired edits. For major issues, note them in a comment in the sheet or Notes column for one of us to address. Work back and forth until the item is resolved.
7. When final, remove the Tag: 'To Approve: your initials' in the Bookstack page, and change the status in Column A (Action) to Done.


Yeah! This completes the process!